Thursday, September 20, 2012

So, What's This Blog About Anyway?

There is an inevitable day in every blogger's life where we have to ask the question: Why on earth am I blogging.  Let's face it, there are a LOT of blogs out there, and it is easy to believe that you have nothing new to contribute.  We have all had "deep" thoughts that later, after a good night's sleep or a strong dose of caffeine, revealed themselves to be nonsensical ramblings.  Knowing this, I decided to take a moment and ask myself what my blog is all about. 

My answer was pretty simple, once I thought about it. I have a unique story.  I'm not saying no one has ever done any of the things I've done or experienced any of the things I've experienced.  However, the complete story that is my life is mine alone.  The home I grew up in, the parents that raised me, the places I've been, the education I've received, the MANY mistakes I've made along the way all combine and result in a life that is unique.  That means my perspective is unique, and my voice is unique.  God created each of us to be unique individuals with unique purpose in His kingdom. The things God puts on my heart to work on and share can only come from me in this particular way. 

I don't for a moment believe that I'm discovering or revealing something new about Christ or living the Christian life.  That would be foolishly arrogant of me.  What I do believe is that God is continuously teaching and growing me through various life experiences, trials, tests, and relationships. It is that ongoing journey that I want to share in my blog in the hopes that someone out there can benefit from some of my lessons and failures.  The Bible is full of stories of people who were struggling and growing, and we learn from them.  In the same way, I believe God wanted us to have community in the Christian world so we could learn from each other, encourage each other, hold each other accountable, and love on each other as we all work together to finish the race.  

So what is my blog about?

An ordinary woman living real life, powered by an extraordinary God, sharing what I learn with others who want to please God daily.  Walk, run, and stumble along with me as we attempt together to be Christians and be real in our everyday lives at work, at school, at home, and everywhere else we go!

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