Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Texas Independence Day

When you're born and raised in the Lone Star State, Texas pride is imprinted on your genetic code and reinforced in the drinking water.  At least that is what I have come to believe now that I'm married to a non-Texan. My sweet husband was born and raised in the beautiful state of South Carolina, and while I now have him firmly entrenched deep in the heart of Texas, he is constantly amazed at my awareness of Texas history and the over the top pride Texans have in their state.  Over the top?  Maybe.  In a state where everything is bigger, we don't really see it that way.  If anything, we don't understand why everyone doesn't have the same love for their home state (maybe because those states aren't Texas?).  I have lived other places, and I know there are lots of great places to live in the USA.  I also can admit there are parts of Texas I would not want to spend the night in, never mind live in, but I'm guilty and unashamed of being in love with my state.

I love living in a place where football is not just a sport, it's a way of life ("Friday Night Lights" you got it right).  I love living in a state where people who are into high fashion might be at a table next to people who can rope a calf and breed bulls.  I love living in a state where having the title Miss Texas is considered something to be respected and every little girl once dreamed of being a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader.  I love living in a state where young men say yes ma'am and mean it.  I love living in a state where you'll see cars pulled over on the freeway so parents can plop their kids down in the midst of some bluebonnets and take the annual spring pics.   I love living in a state that once was its own country, that's right the rumor is true.   And speaking of rumors, let's clear up a few things I've heard from non-Texans.  We don't all ride horses, although I do own some cute cowboy boots.  We don't all have an oil-well in our backyard although we probably know someone that works in the oil industry(shout out to my Daddy).  We are proud to be Americans, we just like to point out that we're Texans too.  We do eat a lot of Mexican & Tex-Mex food because it is GOOD (Chuy's anyone?).  And most important, if you're watching a movie that allegedly is set in Texas, the accent they're using is not accurate at all! ("Varsity Blues" you got it wrong!).

So today, it is with a great deal of Texan pride that I want to say Happy Independence Day to Texas. And for all of you non-Texans who don't know: on March 2, 1836 Texas declared its independence from Mexico and a month later at the Battle of San Jacinto 800 Texans under the leadership of General Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna's army of 1600, and only nine Texans died.  Yeah, that's right!


  1. Happy Independence Day from Germany. I'll be home for the next one!
