Thursday, March 3, 2016

Don't Get It Twisted!

This past weekend, I sat on my couch watching the news coverage of the presidential candidates, eager to hear any of them say something that would get me excited enough to slap their bumper sticker on my car and confidently fill in the circle on my ballot next to their name on Tuesday.  I was hoping for a speech reminiscent of my favorite fictional president, Josiah Bartlett, from "The West Wing".  Granted, he was not real, and his words were the carefully crafted creation of Emmy & Oscar winning writer Aaron Sorkin, but still a girl can dream. However, my dream was quickly crushed, because instead of hearing inspiring speeches or even some boring ones, what I heard was a lot of name calling, mocking, and insult trading that sounded more like an episode of "The Simpsons".  I was disappointed and disgusted,and while I did still vote in the primary, I was incredibly put off by everything I heard.  I mean do I really want anyone of these people that can speak so thoughtlessly, rudely and immaturely to represent my nation to the world?  I even tweeted my feelings (I intentionally avoid commenting on politics on social media as a rule). 

As only He can, God only allowed me to linger over my disgust and distaste for this "bad behavior" of the candidates for a short moment, before He held up the giant, Holy Spirit, magnifying mirror in front of my face. You know the mirror, I'm talking about.  The one that makes the smallest blemish  look like a crater, but instead of a pimple on your face, it's an ugly spot in your character.  Suddenly, the question floating in my mind was, "What thoughtless, rude, immature thing have I said that has completely undermined my ability to represent Christ?"  OUCH!   It didn't take me long to come up with one or two (or three or four).  Sure, I'm not saying them on the evening news on national television, but I have said them in front of my children.  My husband has heard me speak things that don't exactly make me a great representative of the Savior.  I've gotten riled up on the phone with AT&T, Time Warner, Sprint, TXU,  or some other company that put me on hold one too many times without solving my problem.  I've let my frustration come out at the customer service desk at Dillard's, Target, Nordstrom (okay, not Nordstrom, but only because it is a magical place with incredible customer service where I'm always happy- that was a completely free, non-celebrity endorsement).  I may not have dropped F-bombs or screamed at the top of my lungs or called anyone a name, but I've certainly let my tongue take over and spoken words that were in no way loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, gentle, faithful, or exhibiting any measure of self-control ("What's that, Fruits of the Spirit, You can't grow on a tree with a twisted tongue? My bad!").  

This was certainly not a new discovery, but more of a reminder that God gives me on a regular, and I do mean regular, basis, because it is an area of weakness, an area in which I have always and likely will always struggle. I have to stay on my guard when it comes to my tongue or it will bring me down.  I venture to say this is not just true for me but for all of us when I read what the Bible has to say on the subject. 

Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly
 will come to ruin.  Proverbs 13:3

The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.  It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.   James 3:6

James goes on to warn us that when we allow our mouths to speak ill of others, all of whom are God's creation, made in His image, we negate any praise that we have spoken of that same God.  In other words, you might as well be speaking to God or about God when you are rude to or condemning of any person. Our tongues can be great instruments of praise and encouragement and joy, but they can also be horrific deliverers of pain and suffering when we allow them free reign.   If my children hear me say rude or ugly things about someone, I lose credibility when I try to teach them to speak kindly and respectfully to others.  When I lash out verbally at my husband in the heat of the moment,  it diminishes the impact when I later try to tell him that I love him and admire him.  When I'm irritable and pushy at the grocery store, it undermines my attempt to  invite that same cashier to church a few weeks later.  I can not allow my tongue to take over and start fires all around me. I can not allow my emotions to unleash my tongue and let it run untamed and out of control.  I can not allow my mind to rationalize and convince me to let my guard down and give my tongue free reign for any reason whatsoever.  

What you and I think of the candidates' words doesn't really matter.  What matters is what God thinks of how each of us behaves.  How is your tongue?  Do you have it on a short leash, guarding your lips and being careful of what you allow to slip out?  Have you recently let loose your own tirade (short or long) of unkindness, no matter how justified you felt in the moment?  Have you lost your credibility as a witness for Christ in your attempt to win a verbal dispute?  My prayer this week for you and for myself is that we all do a better job of guarding our tongue for the most important reason of all, for the glory of God.  I pray that we can all be witnesses for Him not just in what we do say, but in what we choose not to say.  I pray we can all keep our tongues under control, and that we don't get it twisted! 

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