Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Whatcha reading?

It may come as no surprise to learn that a woman who majored in English Lit loves to read. I read every day pretty much, even if just for a few minutes. My interest is pretty varied although I prefer fiction for the most part to entertain my brain and shut down all that pesky thinking  before bed. I read a lot of hooks but rarely feel compelled to recommend any, however from time to time a book is worthy of a shout out.  I decided to do just that from now on when I pick up a good one. Last month I finished one such book. In fact it was so good, I handed it to my best friend as soon as I was done so she could read it too, but only as a loan because I want it back. The book is Kara-Kae James’s Mom Up.

Here are my three reasons you should read it:

1. I found it incredibly encouraging as a Mom. It didn’t make me feel like a failure, but still pushed me to stretch beyond where I am right now. 
2. It was an easy and convenient read.  The chapters are labeled with approximate reading times so I knew if I could start one in that moment or if I should wait until I had more time. (I hate stopping in the middle of a chapter.)
3. This is the big one: Kara-kae keeps it REAL!  She’s honest about her fears and failures, making herself vulnerable to us all so we can relate and learn right alongside her. 

If you’re a mom looking for a good read this summer, I highly recommend this book. You can also follow Kara-Kae on Instagram and then you’ll think you’re her friend just like I do! 😜

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