Thursday, June 6, 2019

Watch Your Tone!

“Watch your tone!”  How many times did I hear these words from my mom growing up? I can’t tell you, but if I had dollar for every time, I’d be out shoe shopping right now. At Nordstrom. In the designer section. I’m just sayin’!

Now, I’m the mom, and while I have had to check my kids’ tone a few times already, I recently realized I am still on the receiving end of that phrase. I can still lose control of my tone in moments of frustration with my kids or spouse or that lunatic driving a Toyota on the highway.  Keeping my tone in check is a skill I have yet to master.

I’m particularly focused right now on how I talk to my children. Real talk, it’s all the more challenging in the summer months. This is 24/7 mama and kid time, which means nerves can get frayed, tempers can get short, and patience can run thin. While that is all true, it is not an excuse to let my tongue or tone run amuck.  How can I teach them to do something, I can’t do? How can I expect them to speak one way, but model the opposite? The truth is, I can’t. 

Last year, I studied the book of Mark ðŸ“–again and one of things that stood out to me was how calmly and respectfully Jesus responded to confrontation. He never lost his cool or clapped back, and he had every right to. 

It is my hope and prayer this month to follow in the footsteps of my Savior and keep control of my own tone as I discipline and respond to my children. Even after 4pm when they turn into other people’s kids!

“Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.”
‭‭James‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬