Today was my 3 year-old daughter's first day of preschool. Up until today, she's only gone to childcare for a couple of hours during church or Bible study, when I was just down the hall with the other grown ups, but this morning we walked up to her school with a lunch box and nap mat and the knowledge that mommy was leaving. She has been counting down the days to starting school with nothing but excitement and eager anticipation. This morning she marched right through the main doors, looked for her name over her hook where I had to place her bag and lunch box, and then sashayed into her classroom without a backward's glance.
I was anticipating getting a bit teary-eyed as I left her this morning, but, instead, I found myself laughing as I walked back to my car. Her boldness and confidence as she walked into a brand new environment was energizing. Her complete lack of hesitation about a new experience was encouraging. Her excitement to start a new chapter of her life was inspiring. All I could think was, "This is exactly how I should approach every new part of my own life!" How much better would new seasons of our lives be if we approached them with boldness and fearlessness rather than with uncertainty and anxiety?
Too often our adult minds question, second guess, over analyze, and anticipate the worst of a new situation. We start a new job or new role at work with trepidation, worrying that we might not catch on to the new role quickly enough. We look forward to a new baby, but worry ourselves to death that we will make mistakes and mess up the kid. We mar a new experience with our worries, rather than energize it and ourselves with excitement. Even when we are looking forward to something, we often manage to steal some of the joy out of the experience with our worries.
Watching my Faith walk into her room this morning, I knew that she wasn't the least bit worried about making friends, figuring out what to do, or getting things right. She was simply excited to finally start something she's been looking forward to for a long time. She wasn't imagining possible obstacles, just eagerly anticipating new opportunities. She walked in living out the verse that we too often forget:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
To be clear, I'm not talking about a medically diagnosed anxiety here. I'm talking about the kind of anxiety we magnify and make worse by over thinking a situation. This verse says we should not be anxious about ANYTHING. There is no situation in your life that warrants your worrying over it. God is in control and is walking with you through every single door!
Instead of wasting time worrying, we are to use our time wisely and pray! When you catch yourself worrying about your next new situation, stop and pray for God to prepare you. Ask God to provide all that you need mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially for whatever situation you're facing. Worrying is ALWAYS a waste of time. Praying is NEVER a waste of time!
Be thankful for the season you are entering. However challenging, a new season is a reminder that you are still getting to live life on this earth and receive the blessings of God. Be thankful for whatever that may be in your life. If you're heading off to college or grad school, be thankful for the opportunity to learn and expand your mind. If you're adding a child to your family, be thankful for another little one to love. If you're starting a new job, be thankful for the provision that comes with that job! Even if the new season is not a pleasant milestone like divorce or losing a loved one, there is still something for which you can be thankful. Last month, I experienced my fourth miscarriage. While it is hard to imagine, I found myself being grateful for my husband who is amazingly there for me each time we have walked through this loss. I thanked God for my faith that my unborn children are living a perfect life in heaven with Jesus. I even found myself thanking God for the 10 weeks of pregnancy and the time this child did get to live in my womb. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, and when we focus on being grateful, we end up being focused on God's glory!
When you shut down your worry, step up your prayer, and speak your thankfulness, you will discover new depths of joy and contentment. This is that peace that comes from God! When the Bible says it transcends all understanding, it is talking about the inability for the world to understand how steady you are no matter what you are facing. You are experiencing something supernatural that only comes from Christ.
It is my prayer that you and I will know that peace and show it to the world, for God's glory. In the end, we will not only glorify God, we will also spend much more of our lives experiencing joy. And wouldn't you rather spend more of your life being joyful and at peace rather than anxious and stressed out? I'm just saying'!